Is a Tandem Skydive a Good Christmas Gift?

Laura HamptonTandem skydive

Is tandem skydiving a good Christmas gift?

The short answer, as you might expect coming from a skydiving centre, is YES! Absolutely! Tandem skydives – available in the form of gift vouchers – are a fantastic gift. But we also know you want to make sure you’re buying the best possible present for your loved one, so the purpose of this post is to explore the benefits and the considerations to bear in mind when buying a tandem skydive gift voucher.

Tandem Skydivers smiling at camera in freefall

Will I be able to do my tandem at Christmas?

This is one of the main considerations when purchasing a tandem skydive gift – when will you actually be able to make your jump?

Skydive Langar is open every day, with the exception of Christmas Day itself, so the short answer here is that you can do your tandem jump anytime, just book your preferred date and time.

Of course, weather is always a consideration in skydiving as we are unable to jump in weather which affects visibility, such as heavy cloud or rain. But actually, Christmas time and the weeks following it are often very nice for skydiving thanks to the colder temperatures often reducing the cloud and making for very clear, crisp blue skies.

What if I can’t, or don’t want, to do my tandem at Christmas?

That’s not a problem at all! Your tandem gift voucher will be valid for 12 months from purchase, meaning you can always elect to wait until later in the year if that suits you better.

We tend to be at our busiest between April and September, when the weather is typically a little warmer, but thanks to our multiple daily ‘slots’, you needn’t worry about sitting around waiting all day and, where possible, we aim to have you jumped within 3 hours of arrival (and have plenty for you to do while you wait).

What if my loved one doesn’t want their tandem gift voucher?

We LOVE to skydive and we love to see the reactions of our tandem customers as they experience our sport for the very first time. Even those who think they’re going to be scared of it, or not enjoy it, often end up changing their mind once they give it a go (and many of those have even gone on to get their skydiving licenses!).

At the same time, we do appreciate skydiving isn’t for everyone and if you do buy a tandem skydive gift certificate for someone who really doesn’t want to do it, you can transfer it to someone else, though its validity will still be 12 months from time of purchase.

5 reasons to consider a tandem skydive gift voucher as a Christmas present

We’ve covered some common questions here already, and hope these help. If you have any more, please do contact us and a member of the team will be happy to help.

To help you further with your Christmas shopping, here are 5 reasons to choose a tandem skydive gift voucher as a present idea (or add it to your own Christmas list!):

  1. It’s a life changing experience; once you’ve jumped out of a plane, theres’s really very little you can’t do! The feeling of empowerment is unlike anything else and thanks to our highly experienced and qualified tandem instructors, it’s an experience you can relax, drink in and enjoy, to think back on in the future any time you need a boost
  2. No one ever worries about mundane life stuff while falling at 120mph; it’s really very difficult to consider your to-do list or when you’re going to get that next load of laundry done while you’re speeding through the sky, so this really is a gift to relieve stress and clear the mind
  3. Facing your fears makes your stronger; it’s perfectly normal to feel afraid of jumping from an aircraft but facing that fear can be one of the most rewarding things you do
  4. Skydiving is inspirational; many of our customers come back later with friends who have been inspired to take the leap themselves, meaning the gift you give to one person ends up being a gift for many
  5. There’s really nothing like it; wave goodbye to socks and chocolates and bathtime goodies in favour of a truly unique Christmas gift that your loved one will never forget

Ready to purchase your tandem skydiving gift voucher? Buy online now or contact us for any additional help and/or to book your skydive date now.