Reel of the Month Competition

Let's showcase more of the awesome jumps done by Langar Skydivers. Introducing... Reel of the Month!

We know there are already lots of you posting reels featuring Skydive Langar and we appreciate that so much. It's great to see our sport and our drop zone being showcased in such a positive way.

We know this takes effort and work on your part, and also that our followers love to see them. So this year, we're encouraging you to make more reels (or your first reels if you're new to it!) in return for a chance of winning 2 jump tickets.

Sound good? Here's how it works...

How to enter

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Make a Reel. Can be your own footage, or footage other people give you - if you use other people's footage, we assume you have their permission to use it for this purpose

  2. Post it to Instagram* using #langarskydivers and tag @skydivelangar

  3. We will choose our favourite and the maker will get 2 free jump tickets added to their Burble account

If you don't have Instagram, you're welcome to share your videos by emailing them to instead.

This is a monthly competition so we will choose our favourite at one the first day of each new month.

What we're looking for

The aim of this competition is to encourage more people to share more videos of jumps above Langar. We recognise that doing so takes time and effort on your part, which we massively appreciate. That's why we want to give you a chance to win jump tickets from your videos.

Ideally, they'll be sky based but we also love to see what's happening on the ground providing it showcases the positive environment that we're so proud of here at Langar.

The Reels must showcase Langar positively and be of a high standard in order to win the jump tickets. We are hoping to see well edited, well captured footage which can be shared by us and viewed by our online audiences as inspirational visions of what they could do here at Langar.

We don't want to be so prescriptive as to hinder creativity, but we also reserve the right not to award a winner if we do not feel the standard meets our expectations.

Terms and conditions

  • We assume you have permission to submit your videos and all footage within
  • Tag @skydivelangar and use #langarskydivers if posting on Instagram
  • If you don't have Instagram, you can still win... simply email your video to instead
  • By posting your video with the tag and hashtag, or emailing it to Laura, you agree for us to be able to use your video in our social media channels and other marketing materials
  • Winners will be chosen on the first day of each new month. The winning Reel is chosen by Skydive Langar; if no Reels are considered worthy winners, there will be no winner that month

Please note: though we love to receive your tandem skydive photos, this competition is intended for experienced skydivers and the prize is for experienced, full altitude jump tickets which you must be qualified to use.

Good luck!