Santa Skydive
Are you looking for a festive treat that’s sure to get you in the Christmas mood? What better way to celebrate this December than with a magical new experience, accompanied by Father Christmas himself?
For a limited time only (he’s got other work to do, you know!), you can choose to skydive with Santa.
What does that mean, we hear you ask?
Well, it’s exactly what it says on the tin! You can now opt to make your tandem skydive with Chris Kringle as your tandem instructor.
Picture the scene; you’re nervous, butterflies take flight in your stomach as the plane ascends to 14,000 feet, you’re excited but don’t know quite what to expect. And then you turn around and remember you’re jumping with none other than the great man in red!
Not only that, we’ll be playing Christmas tunes in the aircraft to get you in the mood and, should you choose it, you’ll be accompanied by one of Santa’s elves who will film the whole experience for you!

Fancy making festive memories this December? Santa Skydives are available for a limited time only. To book, choose ‘book now’ followed by ‘tandem skydive’, follow the prompts and once complete, email with the subject line “Santa Skydive” to let us know you’d like to choose this option.
Terms and conditions
- Santa Skydives are limited availability and allocated on a first come, first served basis.
- Filming by elves is also limited and available on a first come, first served basis.
- Available to book throughout December.
- Skydive Langar makes no comment on whether this is really Santa or just one of our regular tandem instructors dressed in a Santa costume.
- Festive music on board the aircraft cannot be selected by participants and will be chosen by the pilot who we understand to be a big fan of Mariah Carey.